Larry’s Keys To Vitality
Latest Posts

28, 2019
Sleep: Top Priority For Your Health
What is the most productive action you can take for your health? What is the most productive action you can take for your health? Most people would probably not answer “sleep more”. We have grown to think of time spent “just sleeping” as unproductive time, but in actuality, scientists have discovered that our brains are [...]

Larry Greene

15, 2019
How Stress Manifests into Poor Health
When people think about the most common lifestyle factors that contribute to disease, they will likely point to poor diet, lack of activity, or smoking. But very few people realize that chronic stress is the leading factor in disease and illness. Many of the daily habits, routines, and even relationships that we often take for [...]

Larry Greene

7, 2019
Gut Bacteria: The “Good Guys”
For many years, bacteria has earned a bad reputation but recent scientific research is showing us we need to look differently at our relationship to these tiny “good guys”, especially those that live in our gut. Did you know that we have more bacterial cells living on us and within us than actual human cells? [...]

Larry Greene

3, 2019
The Gut: Your Body’s 2nd Brain
The Gut: Your Body’s 2nd Brain We often assume that the brain is the only organ sending control messages to the body, but recent research suggests that your gut may have just as much to say when it comes to the overall health and wellness of your entire body. Gut health is a topic that [...]

Larry Greene

Meet Larry Greene
Hello! I’m so excited you’re here!
Who am I? I’m a vitality expert and the founder of @genesisperformance committed to helping you improve the quality and quantity of your life! I am all about living life without limitation, living to 120 years and beyond and raising the vibration of human experience!
Join me here and learn how physical shifts in your body and mind, work together to create optimal human functioning so that you can live in your prime!